Uses of Class

Packages that use TNode Je suis Victor; je suis le nettoyeur.  

Uses of TNode in

Fields in declared as TNode
protected  TNode TNode.defNode
protected  TNode TNode.left
protected  TNode TNode.up

Methods in that return TNode
 TNode TNode.deepCopy()
          return a deep copy of this node, and all sub nodes.
 TNode TNode.deepCopyWithRightSiblings()
          return a deep copy of this node, all sub nodes, and right siblings.
 TNode TNode.firstChildOfType(int type)
          find the first child of the node of the given type, return null on failure
 TNode TNode.firstSiblingOfType(int type)
          find the first sibling of the node of the given type, return null on failure
 TNode TNode.getDefNode()
          return the def node for this node
 TNode TNode.getFirstSibling()
          return the first sibling of this node, which is this if the prev sibling is null
 TNode TNode.getLastChild()
          return the last child of this node, or null if there is none
 TNode TNode.getLastSibling()
          return the last sibling of this node, which is this if the next sibling is null
 TNode TNode.getParent()
          return the parent node of this node
 TNode TNode.getPrevSibling()
          Get the previous sibling in line before this one
 TNode TNode.parentOfType(int type)
          find first parent of the given type, return null on failure

Methods in with parameters of type TNode
 void TNode.setDefNode(TNode n)
          set the def node for this node